This is a user-defined type that defines the significant statistics attributes that may need to be customized on a per object basis. Defined as:
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE WGN_STATS_PARAM AS OBJECT ( l_process number, l_object_name varchar2(30), l_partition_level number(1), l_estimate_percent number, l_block_sample number(1), l_method_opt varchar2(2000), l_degree number)
Each user-defined type has the following attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
l_process |
A user-defined number to allow different process to be defined for example it may be required to have different attribute values for daily versus weekly process for a specified object. |
l_object_name |
Specifies the name of the object (a table or index). |
l_partition_level |
Allows different attributes to be specified at a global or partition level for the specified object. 0 Global level 1 Partition level |
l_estimate_percent |
Specifies the percentage sampling rate. In addition, a value of zero or ‑1 has a special meaning: 0 Do not gather statistics on the specified object -1 Use the default sampling rate |
l_block_sample |
Specifies whether or not to use random block sampling: 0 Do not use block sampling 1 Use block sampling |
l_method_opt |
Specifies the method_opt parameter passed to dbms_stats for the specified object. This corresponds to the parameter in the GATHER_TABLE_STATS method. It controls whether and how histograms are constructed for the statistics. |
l_degree |
Allows the default DOP to be overridden for the specified object. A value of -1 means 'adopt the default'. |
Returning objects of this type to wgn_stats is the mechanism that allows statistics to be customized down to the level of individual objects, at either a global or partition level. In addition, using a process identifier allows this to be varied across different processes (for example, daily or weekly).
Note: If specific values (other than -1) are set for l_estimate_percent or l_degree, then these values are used in preference to any global defaults that may exist.
The pseudo code below defines an object of this type to represent a customized statistic for the 'WGN3USER' table for process 2, at a global level, sampled at 50%, using block sampling, with a method_opt to make Oracle automatically compute relevant histograms, and with a degree of parallel of 32:
BEGIN My_stats_rec WGN_STATS_PARAM := WGN_STATS_PARAM (2, 'WGN3USER', 0, 50, 1, 'for all columns size auto', 32); END;
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