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Setting Up Integration

To enable integration between the Universal Adapter and policy engines

  1. Install one or more policy engines.

    Run the CA Data Protection Server installation wizard—see the Platform Deployment Guide; search for 'policy engines, deployment’.

  2. Install and configure a policy engine hub.

    Run the Integration Agents installation wizard to install the Remote PE Connector.

  3. Provide PE domain user credentials.

    You must provide the policy engine hub service with the PE domain user credentials—see step 4 opposite.

  4. Configure the Universal Adapter.

    To enable the connection between the Universal Adapter and the policy engine hub, ensure that the ApplyPolicy registry setting to Yes for each input mailbox.

  5. Configure your outputs

    Set the OutputSmartTags registry setting to Yes for the outputs you want to support smart tags by.

  6. Set up your policy engines with the required policies and smart tags.

    For full policy engine details, see the Policy engine chapter in the Platform Deployment Guide; search for 'policy engines’. For smart tag details, see the Administrator Guide; search for 'Smart Tagging'.

More information:

Set Up Policy Engine Integration

Set Up the Input Mailbox Subkeys