Allows the metrics that defined on a per group basis how the queues are to be built. These metric are stored in a database table called WGN3REVIEWMETRICS, so for example if there is a group that has a unique identifier of groupidm=1 and groupid=104, and the metrics required for this group are:
Retrieve 5% of triggered events with a minimum of 10 events and a maximum 50 events then the implementation of these metrics would be as follows.
Defines a single metric for all groups to retrieve all triggered events.
EXEC WGN_RQ_METRIC_INSERT_1 1,104,0,5,0,'P','P'
EXEC WGN_RQ_METRIC_INSERT_1 1,104,1,10,1,null,'A'
EXEC WGN_RQ_METRIC_INSERT_1 1,104,2,50,1,null,null
EXEC WGN_RQ.METRIC_INSERT_1(1,104,0,5,0,'P','P');
EXEC WGN_RQ.METRIC_INSERT_1(1,104,1,10,1,null,'A');
EXEC WGN_RQ.METRIC_INSERT_1(1,104,2,50,1,null,null);
The parameters to METRIC_INSERT_1() correspond to the metric attributes of the same name, including two final optional parameters, DGrouping and Process.
The DGrouping parameter defaults to 'null' which is interpreted as 'no data grouping' applied' setting to a value of '1' means that 'data groupng is applied' if applicable.
The final parameter to METRIC_INSERT_1() which defaults to a value of 1 and corresponds to the process metric attribute. Non default values, define discrete sets of review metrics identified by that number, for example a weekly versus monthly set. To invoke with a non default (1) set of metrics is done by specifying as the process argument to POPULATE_QUEUE().
Note: For SQL Server the process id is also used in determining the names of the customizations below, where the value of <n> is mapped to the process argument supplied to POPULATE_QUEUE:
For Oracle, these per process customizations are done by passing the Process Id to the routines.
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