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How Does CA Data Protection Protect Files on the Local Hard Disk?

The CFSA can run scheduled scans of the local hard disk and apply Data At Rest triggers to targeted files. The process is summarized below and in the following flow chart.

  1. CFSA applies machine policy.

    Settings in machine policy determine when and how often the CFSA runs a local file scan.

    Other machine policy settings identify the files and folders that you want to scan. For example, you can specify local files or folders that you want to explicitly include or exclude from the scan. You can also choose to only scan files modified since the previous scan.

  2. CFSA applies user policy Data At Rest triggers.

    When the scan runs, CFSA applies Data At Rest triggers in the user policy.

    These triggers analyze the scanned files and apply appropriate control actions. For example, they can categorize files based on their text content. They can also add smart tags to scanned items. The smart tags are either saved with the event matadata in the CMS database or, for Microsoft Office documents, you can apply smart tags to the original document.

    Finally, you can configure control actions to delete, replace, or move unauthorized files, or copy scanned files to another location for further investigation.

More information:

CFSA Flow Chart: Scanned Files on Local Hard Disk