The role of the Quarantine Manager is to ensure that emails released from quarantine are sent on to their original recipients. To achieve this, the Quarantine Manager regularly queries the CMS for released or timed-out emails and forwards these to their intended recipients. The architecture is summarized below:
Quarantine procedure: Example based on Exchange server integration
This example shows how the Quarantine feature operates in conjunction with Exchange server integration. However, it can also operate in conjunction with Outlook and Notes endpoint agents.
An email is sent (1) and monitored by CA Data Protection (2) as it transits through the Exchange server (3). A control trigger quarantines the email. The CMS (4) maintains a queue of quarantined emails (5). A reviewer checks quarantined emails in the iConsole (6). The reviewer can either release or reject a quarantined email.
The Quarantine Manager (7) regularly checks the quarantine queue on the CMS, checking for emails that have been released or which have timed out (8). It then forwards these emails, either via the original Exchange server (9a) or, if so configured, though an alternative Exchange server (9b) to the intended recipient (10).
Note: For simplicity, this diagram omits the policy engine hub and policy engines.
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