A configuration setting in Internet Explorer can cause unexpected behavior if multiple iConsole instances are running simultaneously on the same client machine. Specifically, a local registry value can cause all iConsole instances to share the same browser session.
For example, if you have two iConsoles open in separate windows on the same machine, each connecting to a different CMS, this problem can inadvertently cause the second iConsole to reconnect to the CMS specified in the first iConsole.
If an iConsole user experiences this sort of problem, we recommend that you check the registry on the relevant host machine:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Explorer\BrowseNewProcess
You must ensure this registry value is set to Yes for correct iConsole operation.
Note: By default, this registry value is not present in the registry, but its operation defaults to Yes. Therefore you do not need to add this value if it is absent; you only need to set it to Yes if it is present and already set to No.
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