The call to the IWgnActiveImportConnector Import Object method returns an IWgnImportConnectorResult interface. We call the IWgnImportConnectorResult –Get Deferred Completion method to get and interface to IWgnImportConnectorDeferredCompletion.
If the Message ID element is supplied on the completion message, we call SetMessageID:
HRESULT SetMessageID( [in] DWORD importSource, [in] LPCOLESTR messageId ); //OPTIONAL
If the message requested Commit, we call the Commit method:
HRESULT Commit();
If the message requested Rollback, we call the Rollback method:
HRESULT Rollback();
Note: The Deferred Completion Processing Interface has an additional method allowing asynchronous commits. This is currently not supported by the External Agent Socket API.
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