This section introduces the concept of categorization of the input data. Categorization is crucial to the definition of the metrics.
The process is attempting to select events for review over an externally specified time frame. There will be a prime driver that determines which events are considered highest priority for selection. Although the actual definition of the prime target is customizable, the concept of having a prime target remains. The most common prime target is 'events that have triggered policy'.
To define the metrics, we formally adopt an enumeration of the categories of input data:
Prime data, as just described. The Prime target.
All data. The entire set of events being considered over the specified time period. This is fully inclusive of Type P.
Data that is normally excluded from review. In simple set algebra, the Type A set is the union of Type P and Type X sets.
Note: For all three categories of data, it is implicit that an event which has already been assigned to a queue for a specified group is excluded from the above sets. This includes Type A.
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