If the Exchange server agent fails to generate email events, the following questions can help you to diagnose the problem.
Has a Policy Engine Been Activated?
Use Process Explorer (from www.sysinternals.com) to ensure that a wgnpesv.exe service is running on the policy engine host machine and using the correct user account. If it is not:
Check the policy engine hub log file.
Has a Policy Engine Stopped Working?
To force the policy engine hub to disconnect and reconnect to a policy engine, remove the policy engine from the ActivePolicyEngines registry value then add it again. This is a policy engine hub registry value.
Note: For the Exchange server agent, if you need to restart the policy engine hub, you must first stop the Internet Services.
Is Email Address Mapping Set Up Correctly?
Is wgnemno.dll Registered as an Add-in?
(Domino sever agents only) Confirm that the following line has been added to notes.ini on the Domino host server. Find this file in the same folder as the Domino executables, typically \Lotus\Domino.
If this line is not present, manually add this line and restart Domino.
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