These examples define a simple search for e-mail events whose title contains a specific word or phrase. The SP takes one parameter—the string that you want to match—and returns the event ID and title.
Example: Stored Function for Oracle
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MyEmailSearch_V2_1(MyMatch VARCHAR2) RETURN SYS_REFCURSOR IS MyCursor SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN OPEN MyCursor FOR SELECT event.eventUID AS "event_uid", event.EventText2 AS "title" FROM Wgn_V_Event_2 event WHERE event.EventText2 LIKE '%' || MyMatch || '%' AND (event.EventMajorType=2 AND event.EventMinorType<>18); RETURN MyCursor; END;
Note the following:
Example: Stored Procedure for SQL Server
CREATE PROCEDURE MyEmailSearch_V2_1(@MyMatch NVARCHAR(255)) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT event.eventUID AS "event_uid", event.EventText2 AS "title" FROM Wgn_V_Event_2 event WHERE event.EventText2 LIKE '%' + @MyMatch + '%' AND (event.EventMajorType=2 AND event.EventMinorType<>18) END
Note the following:
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