Bytes |
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Mandatory? |
1 – 4 |
Data Size |
The size of this data element, including the Data Size, Data Type and Data, but excluding any padding of the data. |
Yes |
5 – 6 |
Data Flags |
0x01 – FLAGSDATA_Incomplete |
Yes |
7 – 8 |
Data Type |
Must be from the WGN_IMPORTDATA_TYPE enumeration: |
Yes |
9 – x |
Data |
Bytes |
An array of bytes containing the data for this data element. The data must be padded with NULLS to a multiple of 4 bytes. |
No |
x+1 - End of data |
Padding |
BYTE=0 |
Null padding of 0-3 bytes to ensure that the end of the data element is 4 byte aligned |
Yes |
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