The contents of the data elements depends on the value of the object type defined in the Request Data Header. Mail Object Types contain a single data element containing the email data. File Objects should always contain a primary data stream, contained in single data element containing the file data. They may also contain addition stream data, each stream contained in two data elements, the first data element containing stream name, the second data element containing the stream data. In all cases, there must be at least 1 Data Element of type WGN_IMPORTOBJ_FORMAT_DATA. If the file or email is empty, the data element will be empty.
The data element must contain valid Mail Message data, in the same format as an Outlook Message file. The data element data type should be set to WGN_IMPORTOBJ_TYPE_DATA.
The data element must contain valid Mail Message data, in the in RFC2822 format. The data element data type should be set to WGN_IMPORTOBJ_TYPE_DATA. For example, the contents of an Outlook Express Mail (.eml) file.
The data element must contain the file data. The data element data type should be set to WGN_IMPORTOBJ_TYPE_DATA.
Additional file streams are defined by pairs of data elements, the first, which is optional, contains the stream name. The second data element contains the stream data. The stream name data element (data type WGN_IMPORTOBJ_TYPE_STREAMNAME), if present, must be specify the name in UTF_16 big endian characters. The data element containing the file stream data (data type WGN_IMPORTOBJ_FORMAT_DATA).
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