You can set the dashboard time period to focus on current activity or longer term trends. You can choose a predefined period (such as 'Today' or 'Last Week'), or you can specify a custom period. Note that periods such as:
For trend charts (such as CA Data Protection Alert Trend By Policy), the x-axis time periods are dependent on the overall dashboard time period. For example, if the dashboard time period is set to Last Year, the x-axis aggregates incidents into monthly counts:
Dashboard time period |
X-axis periods for dashboard trend chart |
Year or Quarter |
Months |
Month or Week |
Days |
Day |
Hours |
The Blocked Incidents, Disregarded Warnings and Accepted Warnings metrics are all based on the dashboard time period. For example, if the time period is set to this month, the Blocked Incidents metric counts the number of incidents that were blocked since the start of the current month.
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