To customize a view, a new view must be created with the same interface as the distributed view but with a name that has an additional suffix of CUST.
For example, to customize this view:
You must create a new view called:
This new view has the same columns defined as the original view:
A view that returns event participant references for all participants that meet the criteria for removal from the Review Queue. This view is used to determine which queue entries are to be purged and will no longer be presented for review.
Returns participant references for all events that have an audit issue with current audit entry with audit type of 1 and a value of '1'. This is the default configuration that defines an 'Approved' audit issue.
Note: In the case of this view WGN_V_RQ_CRITIERIA_CL_1, it is necessary to manually update this view to select from the customized version WGN_V_RQ_CRITERIA_CL_1_CUST by simply replacing the reference to WGN_V_RQ_CRITERIA_CL_1_DEF with WGN_V_RQ_CRITERIA_CL_1_CUST.
Note: For SQL Server versions prior to 12.0, the SQL Server version of this view is named WGN_V_RQ_CRITERIA_CLOSED_1, WGN_V_RQ_CRITERIA_CLOSED_1_DEF and WGN_V_RQ_CRITERIA_CLOSED_1_CUST respectively
A view that returns a portion of the total events that will be considered as candidates for the Review Queue as part of the current run.
Returns ALL events from the Wgn3RTEventSlice table.
Note: In the case of this view WGN_V_RQ_EVENT_SLICE_1, it is necessary to manually update this view to select from the customized version WGN_V_RQ_EVENT_SLICE_1_CUST by simply replacing the reference to WGN_V_RQ_EVENT_SLICE_1_DEF with WGN_V_RQ_EVENT_SLICE_1_CUST.
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