Defining a custom format allows just the table of results to be replaced with a layout of your choice. The custom format is implemented by an XSL transform that transforms the raw search results into the desired report layout. Knowledge of the raw search results format is therefore essential.
In the following example, the search returns a list of users with their group and role. The results are formatted with a heading for each role and a table of users and groups below each heading.
The XSL transform is located by the format="$doc:user-role-summary.html" attribute. This breaks down as follows:
Indicates that this format produces a complete report document (previous iConsole versions allowed an html fragment to be produced; this facility is no longer supported)
Identifies the name of the transform file, in this case user-role-summary.xsl located in WebService\transformations\report-formats.
Defines the type of report document produced. In this case an HTML page.
The reportHeader class may be specified to use the standard report heading styles.
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