When importing emails from Lotus Notes NSF files, be aware that the ‘source folder’ import parameters will fail to detect ‘unparented’ emails. These are emails which are not contained in a folder within a Notes database (that is, a NSF file). This normally only occurs if the emails are stored in a database that is not based on the standard email template.
The import parameters that require the source emails to be contained in folders are:
In practice, this mainly affects emails that have been moved to the ‘failure’ folder following an unsuccessful import attempt (where the failure folder is defined by the NSF.FailedMessageFolder parameter). It could also affect emails in an NSF file with a flat folder structure. For example, this could apply to a subset of emails that have moved to a different NSF file for reporting or administrative purposes.
You can still import unparented emails, but the parameters specified above will not work. Instead, you can only use the NSF.DominoFileName parameter to locate the source emails.
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