The Data folder holds all the configuration data and captured data used by your CA Data Protection installation.
You need to incorporate this folder into your existing backup regime. We recommend you back up this folder a minimum of once a week, but a daily backup is preferential. By default, when you install CA Data Protection this folder is added as a Data subfolder in the installation folder, but you can rename it and locate it anywhere suitable on your network.
There are two subfolders inside the Data folder which require special handling in the backup:
The e subfolder needs special handling because of its potentially large size. You can either back up the entire folder, or back up selected events by date range using the dated folder names. Typically, you may only need to back up BLOB files associated with events from the last 2 to 7 days.
It is good practice to have a separate strategy in place for backing up BLOB files associated with events more than a week old. For example, to complete a full backup of the e subfolder once a month. Assuming that the daily backup collects data from the last seven days, then a monthly backup means that no more than 1 full restore and at most 4 daily backups are required to restore the event folder to any day within the last month.
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