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Activity Logs

In the Infrastructure, Logging, Activity policy folder, you can optionally edit policy settings to record:

Machine and User Logins

For user logins, you can also record summary information (login and logout times) or detailed information (logins, logouts and failed account creation attempts).

Machine and User Administration Changes

These changes include accounts being created, modified or deleted. You can also record this information in the User Administration logs.

Policy Changes

These include any saved changes to user or machine policies.

Cache Actions

These include cache changing and purge activity involving the temporary object store (an event cache), plus cache preload and clear down operations associated with the internal user and email address caches (used to optimize event processing).

Storage Connector Events

These refer to events associated with third party object stores. CA Data Protection uses storage connectors to integrate with third party object storage solutions.

The range of logged events includes object store connections and disconnections, storage queue activity and data retrieval.

More information:

User Administration Logs