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Account Import Log Codes

The following are error and warning codes from the account import log file:

E1001 (Error 4097)

<error description> Aborting account import process.


An error was encountered during an Account Import process. The error is described.

E1039 (Error 4153)

Invalid group path.


The group path specified in an Account Import command file line is invalid.

E1041 (Error 4161)

The line <command> is not formatted correctly. Please check the format of the file.


The Account Import command file contains one or more badly formatted lines.

E1042 (Error 4162)

Item <user/group/machine> was not found.


The named user, group or machine was not found in the CA Data Protection database.

E1043 (Error 4163)

Group is blank.


Blank group name encountered when a 'newgroup' command is being processed.

E1044 (Error 4164)

User is blank.


Blank user name encountered when a 'newuser' command is being processed.

E1057 (Error 4183)

Invalid role for <user name> (<role name>).


The supplied role name is not one of the recognized set or is an invalid numeric role number or is an invalid hex number specifying the privileges directly.

E1060 (Error 4192)

Client machine name too long: <machine name>.


Machine names must be less than 64 characters long.

E1061 (Error 4193)

Gateway machine name too long: <machine name>.


Machine names must be less than 64 characters long.

E1064 (Error 4196)

Cannot perform <account import command> action because the appropriate privilege is not held. No changes have been made to the database.


The privilege to perform the command is not held by the user account performing the Account Import.

E1067 (Error 4199)

Failed to find new parent machine <machine name>.


The machine name given in a 'movemachine' command does not exist.

E1068 (Error 4200)

Machine <machine name> can only be parented by the CMS or a Gateway.


A Utility or Client machine cannot be used to parent another machine.

E1069 (Error 4201)

Machine <machine name> cannot be parented by itself.


A 'movemachine' command is badly formed.

E1071 (Error 4209)

Machine <machine name> is a CMS and cannot be moved.


The CMS must always be at the top of the machine hierarchy.

E1072 (Error 4210)

The command <command> cannot be applied to current user <user name>.


Account Import cannot be used to change the password, rename, change the role or set the management groups for the account used to run the command.

E1080 (Error 4224)

Cannot rename <user name> because <new name> already exists.


A user with the new name already exists in the CA Data Protection database.

E1081 (Error 4225)

Cannot rename <user name> because <new name> is not a valid name.


The supplied user name is invalid (it may contain forward-slash characters).

E1082 (Error 4226)

Failed to bind to <LDAP server> at <domain> using account <account name>.


When running Account Import in batch mode, the connection to the LDAP server could not be made.

E1094 (Error 4244)

The <attribute name> field is longer than <number> characters in record '<user name>'. Ignoring record.


Indicates that the specified field is too long. The record will be ignored.

E1096 (Error 4246)

The user name field for <user> contains one or more '/' characters. Ignoring record.


User names in CA Data Protection are not permitted to contain forward slashes.

E1098 (Error 4248)

File is not in valid Account Import XML format. <file name>


Check content of file.

E109D (Error 4253)

<file name> does not exist or is a directory


The Account Import data file was not specified correctly or is not accessible.

E109E (Error 4254)

Add email address failure. Error code = <code>


The Account Import process was unable to add an e‑mail address to a user.

E10A8 (Error 4264)

One or more unknown options were found ('<options file>'). Import will terminate.


The Account Import process failed to recognize one or more parameters in the specified options file. The import process will not continue.

E10AC (Error 4268)

Unmanaged user <user name> cannot be moved.


This user is not in a management group of the user performing the Account Import process.

E10B5 (Error 4277)

This change cannot be made to the root administrator.


The root administrator account is not permitted to be modified by the Account Import process.

E10BE (Error 4286)

Root group cannot be moved.


You cannot move the root group.

E10BF (Error 4287)

Moving a group into one of its children is not allowed.


You cannot move a group into one of its own subgroups.

E10C5 (Error 4293)

User not found in database.


Account Import cannot find the user in the database.

E10C7 (Error 4295)

Less than '<number>' user properties are configured.


The format of the attributeX, setsettributeX or deleteattrX command is incorrect. <number> cannot be larger than the actual number of user attributes.

E10C8 (Error 4296)

Attribute numbers must be greater than zero.


Specified attribute numbers must match the number of an actual attribute.

E10D3 (Error 4307)

Roll back of changes for batch number <batch> failed.


The specified database transaction failed during rollback.

E10D4 (Error 4308)

Roll back retry limit (<number>) reached for batch number <batch>. Account import will exit.


Account Import has reached its limit on the number of times a failed batch job can be rolled back and re-tried.

E10D6 (Error 4310)

Commit failed for batch number <number>.


The specified database transaction commit process failed. No changes have been written to the database.

E10D7 (Error 4311)

Group name too long: '<long group name>'.


The maximum length for a group name is 64 characters.

E10DB (Error 4315)

Utility machine name too long: '<long machine name>'.


The maximum length for a utility machine name is 64 characters.

E10E0 (Error 4320)

Groups cannot be moved because the 'Allow groups to be moved' CMS machine policy setting is false.


This policy setting is set is to False by default.

E10E8 (Error 4328)

Root group cannot be deleted.


You cannot remove the root group.

W10CE (Warning 4302)

Email address is not assigned to this user.


An 'emaildelete' command appeared in the command file for a user who was not currently assigned the given email address.

W10CF (Warning 4303)

Removing this address may have produced orphaned events.


The address has been removed from the user it is currently assigned to and this may have resulted in events being orphaned.

W10CF (Warning 4303)

Reassigning this address from {0} may have produced orphaned events.


The address was assigned to another user, so assigning it to this user may have resulted in events being orphaned.

W10D0 (Warning 4304)

Command to add this email address takes priority.


Commands to add and remove the same e‑mail address from the same user have been found. The delete command will be ignored.

W10D1 (Warning 4305)

Email address is already assigned to this user.


A command to add an email address to a user was found, but the email was already assigned to that user. No action taken.

W10D2 (Warning 4306)

Email address has been, or is already, assigned to another user.


A command to add an email address to this user was found, but another command to assign the address to a different user has already been executed.