When you import a command file containing machine details, each record in the file must conform to the format required by the wizard. Each user record must begin on a new line with a variable that defines the type of operation. The supported formats are listed below.
newgateway,<gateway>,<parent server>
Where <gateway> is the name of the new gateway and <parent server> is its parent server, either the CMS or another gateway.
newclient,<client name>,<parent server>
Where <client name> is the name of the new client machine and <parent server> is its parent server, either the CMS or a gateway.
newutility,<utility name>,<parent server>
Where <utility> is the name of the new utility machine and <parent server> is its parent server, either the CMS or a gateway.
This command deletes a specified machine. That is, a gateway, client, or utility machine:
deletemachine,<machine name>
movemachine,<machine name>,<parent server>
Where <machine name> is the name of an existing client or utility machine, or gateway and <parent server> is its new parent server, either the CMS or a gateway.
These formats identify comments in a CSV file:
# Your comment goes here // Your comment goes here REM Your comment goes here
REM is not case-sensitive, so REM, rem or Rem are equally acceptable as comment markers.
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