The following counters are relevant to the data being processed by the External Socket Agent:
The number of items submitted for full analysis and awaiting a response.
The number of items awaiting full analysis processing.
The average elapsed time the last 100 times took for full analysis.
The average total Request Message data size for the last 100 items. The size does not include the message headers.
The number of items submitted for Early Analysis and awaiting a response.
The average processing time of the last 100 items for Early Analysis.
The average length of time an item waited in the in the Input Queue.
The number of items awaiting Early Analysis processing
The number of items waiting to be processed.
Incomplete messages awaiting more data.
Items awaiting additional multipart messages.
The number of items still current, but in error.
The number of messages currently delayed by throttling.
The maximum number of messages being processed concurrently by the Socket Agent at any time since the Socket Agent was started.
The average time the last 100 Completion Message took to process.
The number of items awaiting Completion or Timeout processing.
The registry entry for the External Socket Agent Disk Space Minimum Limit.
The registry entry for the External Socket Agent Disk Space Throttling Threshold.
The available disk space in MB, on the Windows Temporary File drive.
0 = Not throttling
1 = Disk throttling active
3 = Disk free space below minimum level
The maximum number of allowed items in the Import Queue.
The registry entry for the External Socket Agent Memory Usage Limit.
The registry entry for the External Socket Agent Memory Throttling Threshold.
The memory currently in use by the External Socket Agent (in MB).
0 = Not throttling
1 = Memory throttling active
3 = Memory usage above maximum level
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