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Log File Types

CA Data Protection agents and utilities support the following types of log file. Logs maintained by the CA Data Protection infrastructure are identified accordingly.

Archive integration logs

These logs are not infrastructure-based. They record the progress of message processing operations by archive integration agents. Log file names take this format:

EMC SourceOne integration: wgnemcs1_<date>.log

Symantec Enterprise Vault integration: wgnsev_<date>.log

Zantaz Digital Safe integration: zdsretrieval_<date>.log

Account Import logs

These are infrastructure-based logs. They record the outcome of any operations using Account Import. Log entries typically include changes to the user or machine hierarchy, such as the addition of new users, groups or client machines.

Log file names take the format: ldap_<date>.log.

Activity logs

These are infrastructure-based logs. They record general activity by all machines. For example, each time users or machines log in or out, and each time policies are created or updated.

Log file names take the format: activity_<date>.log.

You can also record user account changes in the User Administration log.

Command Output logs

When running a wgninfra -exec command, for example to carry out a policy integrity check, the returned status messages are written to a Command Output log file.

Log file names take the format: command_<date>.log.

Event Import logs

These logs are not infrastructure-based, but are viewable in the Administration console.

They record the outcome of Event Import operations, including import failures and any system errors (for example, when a user cannot be created).

Log file names take the format :evtimport_<instance>_<date>.log

Where <instance> identifies the service instance associated with the Event Import job.

File Scanning Agent logs

These logs are not infrastructure-based, but are viewable in the Administration console.

They record the outcome of FSA scanning jobs, such as details of replaced files, connections to the scan database, and when jobs started and completed. FSA log files are saved on the machine hosting the FSA.

Log file names take the format: wgnfsa_<date>.log.

iConsole logs

These logs are not infrastructure-based, but are viewable in the Administration console.

They record the outcome of iConsole operations, including details of any errors.

Log file names take the format: iconsole_<date>.log.

Quarantine Manager logs

There are two types of QM log messages.

The Quarantine Manager (QM) writes messages to the Activity log and also to its own log saved on the QM host machine. This QM log is not infrastructure-based.

Log file names take the format: wgnqmgr_<date>.log.

Activity log messages generally record the outcome of quarantine operations, while the QM’s own log provides more diagnostic details.

Policy Engine Hub logs

These logs are not infrastructure-based.

They detail progress as each event is processed by the PE hub. The log file location is configurable but defaults to the same folder as the hub executable, wgnphub.exe.

Log file names take the format: wgnphub_<date>.log.

Policy Incidents logs

These are infrastructure-based logs. They record the outcome of user policy processing. Each time a policy incident is replicated to the CMS, an entry is written to a log file. Log entries identify the associated user and include a URL to view the incident in the iConsole.

Log file names take the format: policyincident_<date>.log.

You can configure this log file using machine policy settings.

Replication logs

These are infrastructure-based logs. They record any database changes that were made on a remote machine and copied to the local machine. These typically include captured data objects, changes to a machine or user policy, and changes to user accounts and user groups. These changes are recorded in the replication log on each machine.

Log file names take the format: repl_<date>.log.

You can configure this log file using machine policy settings.

Socket API logs

These logs are not infrastructure-based.

These record the processing results for messages passed to the Socket API.

Log file names take the format: WgnSAgent_<date>.log

System logs

These are infrastructure-based logs. They record any infrastructure errors that occur while the CA Data Protection service is running. Under normal conditions, this log file is empty.

Log file names take the format: stderr_<date>.log.

You can configure this log file using machine policy settings.

Note: Any errors detected when the CA Data Protection service starts up are written to the file wgninfra.out. This file is in the \data\log subfolder with the conventional log files.

Tasks logs

These logs are not infrastructure-based, but are viewable in the Administration console. They record the outcome of jobs run using the WgnTask.exe utility.

Log file names take the format: task_<title>_<date>.log

Where <title> is an optional identifier based on the title parameter in the associated job definition document. For example, a task based on the Universal Extractor’s XML metadata extractor may generate log files in this format:

task_Extracted XML metadata_200903170945.log
User Administration logs

These are infrastructure-based logs. They record any changes made to user accounts or groups. These typically include changes to user accounts and user groups.

Log file names take the format: useradmin_<date>.log.

You can configure this log file using machine policy settings.

More information:

Quarantine Manager

IM Import

Configure Log Files

iConsole Deployment

PE Hub Log Files

About Policy Incident Logs