The <results> element in an XML search definition defines the search results attributes including the column and toolbar button definitions.
The supported entities are as follows:
(Optional) See <column> Element.
(Optional) See <tool> Element.
(Optional) Specifies a script to control the behavior of the Search Results page locally on the browser.
Specifies the action invoked when a reviewer clicks an individual row in the table of results (see Actions When a Row Is Clicked). This attribute specifies the function that invokes the action.
Example: This attribute is used by the Standard Search to show details about the selected event:
Note: Always used in association with the ref attribute.
(Optional) Specifies up to three columns (comma-separated) to be used as the unique reference for a 'row action'. The results element must include columns with these names (column names are specified using the name attribute).
Example: This attribute is used by the Standard Search to show details about the selected event and to define key values for a context search:
Only the first value is passed as a parameter to the row_function. If required, the second and third values can be accessed in the function using oEvent.currentRefB and oEvent.currentRefC respectively.
Also used to identify the key values to use for an update search (see Updating Results in the Cache).
(Optional) Specifies a column to be used as the unique reference for use by custom tools.
Example: This attribute is used by the Content Search results screen to show details about the selected event:
Note: Always used in conjunction with a tool element.
(Optional) Defines a column in the result that should be dynamically updated from a javascript function.
This functionality is used for the event review process; when the audit status of an event is changed, the displayed audit status for the selected event is update in place. Used in conjunction with the 'update' attribute.
(Optional) Specifies the page size for the results, overriding the default. If a particular search needs to always display 10 results per page, this parameter can be used to do it.
(Optional) Specifies the path and file name of the HTML page containing the help for the search results page of the current custom search. The path is relative to the front-end Web server virtual directory.
(Optional) Specifies the path and file name of the image used for the help button for the search results page of the current custom search. If this parameter is not specified, the default image is used. The path is relative to the front-end Web server virtual directory.
Note: In the search results screen, the help button always appears next to the navigation buttons at the top of the page. See the example search page screenshot.
(Optional) Specifies a column in the results that will define the name of a CSS class in a stylesheet that will be used to define the style for each row.
The stored procedure is responsible for defining the class for each row; a NULL value will apply no class.
A selector may also be required for the cell in order to override the default styles.
Example: For a style class of 'highlight', the stylesheet needs to include the selector:
.highlight, .highlight td {…}
The precedence of certain styles (e.g. font-size) may need to be forced by using the '!important' rule.
.bigfont {font-size: x-large !important;}
(Optional) Used to indicate that an update stored procedure is available for this search, this can then be invoked by the ToolbarUpdate function or the UpdateQuery method. The update procedure can be used to run a simple search to retrieve updates to refresh the cached results without having to re-run the entire original search. See Updating Results in the Cache.
This functionality is used in the event review process. When the audit status of an event is changed, the update SP is run to update the cached results with the new audit status. Used in conjunction with the 'ref3' attribute; this defines the displayed results column to be updated on the page.
(Optional) Define the name of a custom format for laying out the results. The format must be defined in results-formats-custom.xsl. See details of custom formatting.
(Optional) When set to 'false' specifies that the results should not be sortable by clicking on the column headings. Default is 'true'.
(Optional) Specifies that totals row(s) should be displayed on the search results page. See Displaying Aggregate Totals.
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