Specifies the user name attribute. Use this parameter if you need to specify a custom or non‑standard LDAP attribute.
If this parameter is omitted, CA Data Protection automatically detects the type of LDAP directory (for example, Microsoft Active Directory) and key details about the LDAP directory structure. It provides a 'best guess' when selecting the LDAP user name attribute, for example, sAMAccountName.
Specifies the LDAP attribute that contains each user’s full name.
If this parameter is omitted, CA Data Protection automatically detects the type of LDAP directory (for example, Microsoft Active Directory) and provides a 'best guess' when selecting the LDAP full name attribute, for example, DisplayName.
Specifies which CA Data Protection account attribute to use as the anchor for mapping LDAP (or data file) users to CA Data Protection users. This can be the user name, the user display name, or any of the ten user attributes. Use one of these keywords:
Uses the LDAP attribute specified by the /ua parameter.
Uses the LDAP attribute specified by the /fn parameter.
Uses the first LDAP attribute specified by the /al parameter.
Uses the second LDAP attribute specified by the /al parameter.
And so on.
CA Data Protection uses the specified user attribute to locate the corresponding user in the LDAP directory.
The requirements for the CA Data Protection attribute used to anchor user import operations are as follows:
When carrying out a synchronization process, it is possible that the user name in the CA Data Protection database is different to the value of the XML <user> tag or LDAP attribute used for the user name. For example, if a user has recently married.
To stop the user name in the CA Data Protection database being overwritten, add this parameter to the command line.
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