These rules apply to all relevant Account Import parameters:
If a parameter is set to a comma separated list of values (this typically applies to the /al and /ga parameters), you can enclose each list item in ‘single quotes’. This helps when the list item itself contains a comma—this typically happens when you need to specify a separator for multiple-value LDAP attributes. For example:
/al ‘proxyAddresses’,’Mail’
Here, all values in the multiple-value LDAP attribute proxyAddressses are assigned to UserAttribute1, where they are separated by commas, while the Mail LDAP attribute is assigned to UserAttribute2.
Certain separator characters have a reserved meaning. If a parameter value includes quotes, commas and backslashes, you must prefix the characters with a backslash to ensure they are interpreted correctly. For example:
/lr "o=\"Unipraxis PLC\""
Here, the LDAP root container is o="Unipraxis PLC". Backslash prefixes are needed to ensure the double quotes are handled correctly.
You must enclose the entire parameter value in "double quotes" if the value contains a space. In the example below, the target group for imported users is ‘LDAP users’:
/wr "LDAP Users"
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