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Set Up Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

CA Data Protection supports SSL when importing user details from an LDAP directory via a command line.

To set up SSL

  1. Obtain a server authentication certificate that identifies your LDAP server and install it on your CMS.

    This certificate enables the CMS to recognize and trust the LDAP server.

    1. Browse to the \system\jre142_12\bin subfolder in the CA Data Protection installation folder on the CMS
    2. From a command prompt, run:
      keytool -import -keystore ..\lib\security\jssecacerts 
      -alias <alias> -file <cert_file>

      Where <alias> is a relevant and descriptive name for the certificate and <cert_file> is the certificate file name.

  2. Restart the CMS.
  3. Edit the Account Import parameter file to include SSL support.

    Specifically, add the /us option.