Note: For full details, see the iConsole Search Definition Guide; search the index for ‘downloads, custom file formats.’ This guide is available to download from CA Technical Support.
You can download the entire set of search results to formats such as XLS and CSV. By default, the ‘Download all results’ button downloads results to XLS.
To set this to a different download format, you need to configure the Web registry key on the iConsole application server. Within this registry key, add these registry values:
Type: REG_SZ
Data: Specifies the file type for downloaded search results. CA Data Protection provides built-in support for xls and csv format. For example, set this value to csv to download search results to a comma-separated value file, or xls to download to an Excel spreadsheet.
Type: REG_SZ
Data: Specifies the file extension the iConsole will use when downloading search results. This registry value then ensures that the downloaded file is associated with correct application. For example, set this value to xml to download search results to a spreadsheet file compatible with Excel 2007.
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