Below the Policy Engines registry subkey (see the previous section), there is a DefaultSettings subkey. Values in this subkey define the default configuration for all policy engines.
Data: Defaults to 40,000. This specifies how often (in milliseconds) the policy engine sends a heartbeat signal to the policy engine hub. If the hub does not receive three successive heartbeat signals, it infers there is a problem with the policy engine.
Data: Defaults to 40,000. This specifies how often (in milliseconds) the policy engine returns metrics to the policy engine hub. This value must be an integer multiple of HeartbeatPeriodMilliseconds.
Data: Defaults to 600. If a policy engine does not restart immediately when the hub tries to connect to it, this value specifies how long (in seconds) the hub waits between subsequent reconnection attempts.
Note: This timeout is only applicable if the hub fails in its initial attempts after startup to connect to a policy engine (for example, because the policy engine host machine is switched off).
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