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Uninstall Policy Engine Hubs

Important! If a policy engine hub is installed on the same computer as an Exchange, Domino, or Enterprise Vault server agent, you must uninstall the server agent before uninstalling the policy engine hub.

To uninstall a policy engine hub, you must uninstall its associated server agent; the hub is then uninstalled automatically. Use Add/Remove Programs to manually uninstall the Exchange or Domino server agents. This applet is part of the Control Panel.

  1. In Add/Remove Programs, select CA Data Protection Integration Agents and click Change.
  2. When the wizard starts, go to the Program Maintenance screen and choose Modify.

    Note: If you choose Remove, this removes all CA Data Protection components, not just the Exchange or Domino server agents.

  3. In the Custom Setup screen, choose the Exchange Server Agent or Domino Server Agent, as required.
  4. In the final wizard screen, click Install to begin the uninstallation.

IIS Restarts When Uninstalling Exchange Server Agent or IIS SMTP Agent

When uninstalling the Exchange server agent or IIS SMTP agent, the wizard stops Internet Information Services (IIS) before uninstalling the server agent and hub components. It then restarts IIS automatically when the uninstall is complete.

Note: IIS is installed automatically as part of an Exchange Server installation.