In the example registry architecture diagram, the hub supports three additional queues: Small, Medium and Large. There is a separate subkey for each of these queues. These queues are in addition to a default queue, which is always available and does not have its own registry subkey.
You must create these additional subkeys manually or, if the hub service is running when you edit the AdditionalQueues registry value, the subkey is created automatically. Each of these manually added subkeys contains the following registry values.
Type: REG_SZ
Data: Defaults to <localhost>. This specifies a comma-separated list of names or IP addresses of machines hosting policy engines available to the specified queue.
Type: REG_SZ
Data: Specifies a comma-separated list of names or IP addresses of machines, available to the specified queue, and which can be used by the hub if an ‘active’ policy engine is unavailable.
Data: Defaults to zero. This specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of message events that can be processed by the specified queue. If a message is too large for this queue, it is assigned to the next size queue. You must change the default value of MaxSizeBytes. If it remains set to zero, this queue can never process any messages!
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