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Restore a DH

Restore a DH to copy data from the DMS backup files into the DH_Reader directory using the dmsmgr utility.You do not need to restore a DH Writer because it has a transient database. Check that the DH Writer is present in the existing DH file structure before you restore a DH.

Note: If the DH Writer is not present in the existing DH file structure, or you want to set up a new DH, use the dmsmgr -create function to create a new DH before you restore a DH.

Note: You must have full administrative access to the operating system to use the dmsmgr utility.

Follow these steps:

  1. Remove the DH, if it exists.
  2. Recreate the DH.

    The DH registers with the DMS automatically and downloads the database.

  3. Run the following command on the DH host if synchronization with the DMS fails:
    dmsmgr -sync self

The DH is restored and the DH is subscribed to the DMS.

More information:

DH or Disaster Recovery DMS Fails to Resubscribe