Implementation Guide › Installing a High Availability Deployment › Implementing CA ControlMinder High Availability on Linux Using Veritas Cluster Server › Verify the Prerequisites
Verify the Prerequisites
Verify the following prerequisites before implementing CA ControlMinder High Availability on Linux using the Veritas Cluster Server:
- Two similar nodes with the supported OS version and 2 NICs (Network Interface Controller) are available.
- Verify that the primary and secondary CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management Servers are installed.
Note: For more information about installing the Enterprise Management Server on Linux, refer the Implementation Guide.
- Verify that shared storage is accessible by each node. We recommend 4-5 disks or LUNs (Logical Unit Number) are shared across the two nodes.
- Verify that the Linux Veritas Cluster Server is installed and the scripts ready for an automatic switch over.
Note: For more information about installing the Veritas Cluster Server, see the Linux 5.1 Veritas Cluster Server Installation Guide on the Symantec website.
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