When the polling task starts, the SAM feeder uploads the CSV files in the polling folder. CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management then processes each line in the CSV files.
Note: If you do not manually start the polling task, the SAM feeder checks the polling folder at the time that is specified in the feeder properties file. You must have the System Manager or SAM Target System Manager role to start the polling task.
Follow these steps:
The Import Endpoints or Accounts screen appears.
The SAM feeder polls the CSV files in the polling folder.
You can override the scheduled tasks configuration, such as feeder polling and retry password reset using the modify scheduling config option.
Follow these steps:
The Modify Scheduling Config page appears.
Example: 0 10/60 * * * ?
The previous expression implies that the feeder polling job runs automatically every 60 minutes, starting on the 10th minute.
Example: 0 1/10 * * * ?
The previous expression implies that the cron job runs automatically every 10 minutes, starting on the 1st minute.
Example: 0 5 */6 * * ?
The previous expression implies that the cron job runs automatically every 6 hours, starting on the 5th minute.
Example: 0 3/20 * * * ?
The previous expression implies that the cron job runs automatically every 20 minutes, starting on the 3rd minute.
Example: 0 5/10 * * * ?
The previous expression implies that the cron job runs automatically every 10 minutes, starting on the 5th minute.
Note: This cron job is active when a password reset happens through Password Policy or through Retry Password reset.
CA ControlMinder submits to override the scheduled tasks.
Note: The triggering times in the previous examples are based on 00:00 as a reference. The trigger time would differ based on your Enterprise Management Server installation time.
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