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CA ControlMinder maintains password settings it uses under the following key:


The passwd registry key contains the following registry entries:


Internal use only.

Default: other


Defines the full pathname of the file containing the words that cannot be used as passwords.

Note: To use this file, you must set the dictionary format password rule (use_dbdict) to file and set UseDict setting to yes. If the dictionary format is set to db, passwords that cannot be used are taken from the CA ControlMinder database and this setting is ignored.

Default: ACInstallDir\data\words


Specifies whether to enforce updating or creating users' passwords through CA ControlMinder only.

Default: 0 (do not have to use CA ControlMinder)


Specifies that a Password filter propagates passwords in CA ControlMinder and native environments.

Default: 1

If 0 is set, the password propagation is done into the CA ControlMinder environment only. If 1 is set, the Password filter propagates passwords into CA ControlMinder and native environments.


Defines the maximum number of milliseconds that the CA ControlMinder password filter waits for authorization response.

Default: 4000


Specifies the answer to send back to the LSA if the authorization process does not respond in the time-out given.

If 0 is set, the password change is refused. If 1 is set, the password change is approved.

Default: 0


Specifies whether to use the dictionary file (set with the Dictionary setting) when verifying a password.

Note: To use the dictionary file, you must also set the dictionary format password rule (use_dbdict) to file. If the dictionary format is set to db, passwords that cannot be used are taken from the CA ControlMinder database and this setting is ignored.

Default: no