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The [one_way_trust] section contains tokens that UNAB uses to manage one-way trust domains.

Note: For each domain UNAB maintains a separate entry in this section.


Specifies the Active Directory domains that have a one-way trust relationship with the UNAB registration domain.

Options: a comma separated list of domains, none

Default: none

Example: One-way trust domain entry

The following example shows how UNAB maintains a one-way trust domain details:

ep_type=Windows Agentless

In this example, you have established a one-way trust with the domain ( and specified the endpoint type (Windows Agentless), domain user account that is used to retrieve users and groups details from the domain (Administrator) and the account container in Active Directory domain (Accounts).

Note: You do not have to specify an administrator account. The user account must have permissions to read users and groups attributes only.