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Configure SSL Communication to the RACF Connector

We recommend that you secure the connection between RACF and CA ControlMinder over SSL. Using SSL you can encrypt data and can reduce security risks. You can configure the Enterprise Management Server to communicate with the RACF endpoint over SSL by installing the RACF certificate in the Enterprise Management Server.

Note: This procedure assumes that you have set up SSL on the RACF endpoint and acquired your RACF certificate.

Important! In environments that are configured for high availability, perform this procedure on all the Distribution and Connector Servers (Primary, Secondary, and Distribution servers).

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Windows Start Menu, Settings, Control Panel, Services.

    The Windows Services dialog appears.

  2. Stop CA Identity Manager - Connector Server (Java) service.
  3. Copy the RACF certificate to the following location:
    CA_home\AccessControlServer\Connector Server\conf

    Specifies the directory where you have installed CA products.

  4. Open a command prompt window.
  5. Navigate to CA_home\AccessControlServer\Connector Server\conf
  6. Run the following command:
    keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -file your_RACF_certificate -keystore ssl.keystore

    Note: When prompted for a password enter the communication password.

    The RACF certificate is registered with JCS.

  7. Open the Windows Services dialog.
  8. Start CA Identity Manager - Connector Server (Java) service.

You have successfully secured the connection between RACF and CA ControlMinder.