Each record in the FILE class defines the access allowed to a specific file or directory, or to files that match a file name pattern. A file need not have been created yet in order to have a rule defined for it.
Device files and symbolic links can be protected like any other file. However, by protecting a link you do not automatically protect the file that the link points to.
Note: On the NTFS file system, a record in the FILE class also defines the access to the file's streams. For more information about how you can protect file streams, see the Endpoint Administration Guide for Windows.
When you define a script as a file, allow both read and execute access to the file. When you define a binary, execute access is sufficient.
For users outside the special _restricted group, the _default record in the FILE class (or if no _default record exists, the record for FILE in the UACC class) protects only files that are part of CA ControlMinder-such as the seos.ini, seosd.trace, seos.audit, and seos.error files. These files are not explicitly defined to CA ControlMinder, but are automatically protected by CA ControlMinder.
Note: CA ControlMinder uses the PROGRAM class and not the FILE class to protect setuid and setgid programs.
The key of the FILE class record is the name of the file or directory protected by the record. The full path must be specified.
The following definitions describe the properties contained in this class record. Most properties are modifiable and can be manipulated using selang or the administration interfaces. Non-modifiable properties are marked informational.
Defines a list of accessors (users and groups) permitted to access the resource, and the accessors' access types.
Each element in the access control list (ACL) contains the following information:
Defines an accessor.
Defines the access authority that the accessor has to the resource.
Use the access parameter with the authorize or authorize- command to modify the ACL.
Defines a list of the accessors (users and groups) that are permitted to access the resource, and their access types according to the Unicenter NSM calendar status.
Each element in the calendar access control list (CALACL) contains the following information:
Defines an accessor.
Defines a reference to a calendar in Unicenter TNG.
Defines the access authority that the accessor has to the resource.
Access is permitted only when the calendar is ON. Access is denied in all other cases.
Use the calendar parameter with the authorize command to permit user or group access to the resource according to the access defined in the calendar ACL.
Represents a Unicenter TNG calendar object for user, group, and resource restrictions in CA ControlMinder. CA ControlMinder fetches Unicenter TNG active calendars at specified time intervals.
Defines one or more security categories assigned to a user or a resource.
Defines additional information that you want to include in the record. CA ControlMinder does not use this information for authorization.
Limit: 255 characters.
(Informational) Displays the date and time when the record was created.
Defines the day and time restrictions that govern when an accessor can access a resource.
Use the restrictions parameter with the chres, ch[x]usr, or ch[x]grp commands to modify this property.
The resolution of daytime restrictions is one minute.
The list of GFILE or CONTAINER records a resource record belongs to.
DB property: GROUPS
To modify this property in a FILE class record, you must change the MEMBERS property in the appropriate CONTAINER or GFILE record.
Use the mem+ or mem‑ parameter with the chres, editres or newres command to modify this property.
The NACL property of a resource is an access control list that defines the accessors that are denied authorization to a resource, together with the type of access that they are denied (for example, write). See also ACL, CALACL, PACL. Each entry in the NACL contains the following information:
Defines an accessor.
Defines the type of access that is denied to the accessor.
Use the authorize deniedaccess command, or the authorize- deniedaccess- command, to modify this property.
Defines the user to be notified when a resource or user generates an audit event. CA ControlMinder can email the audit record to the specified user.
Limit: 30 characters.
Defines the user or group that owns the record.
Defines a list of accessors that are permitted to access the resource when the access request is made by a specific program (or a program that matches a name-pattern) and their access types. Each element in the program access control list (PACL) contains the following information:
Defines an accessor.
Defines a reference to a record in the PROGRAM class, either specifically or by wildcard pattern matching.
Defines the access authority that the accessor has to the resource.
Note: You can use wildcard characters to specify the resource in a PACL.
Use the via(pgm) parameter with the selang authorize command to add programs, accessors, and their access types to a PACL, You can use the authorize- command to remove accessors from a PACL.
Defines the types of access events that CA ControlMinder records in the audit log. RAUDIT derives its name from Resource AUDIT. Valid values are:
All access requests.
Granted access requests.
Denied access requests (default).
No access requests.
CA ControlMinder records events on each attempted access to a resource, and does not record whether the access rules were applied directly to the resource, or were applied to a group or class that had the resource as a member.
Use the audit parameter of the chres and chfile commands to modify the audit mode.
Defines the security label of a user or resource.
Note: The SECLABEL property corresponds to the label[-] parameter of the chres and ch[x]usr commands.
Defines the security level of an accessor or resource.
Note: This property corresponds to the level[-] parameter of the ch[x]usr and chres commands.
Defines the default access authority for the resource, which indicates the access granted to accessors who are not defined to CA ControlMinder or who do not appear in the ACL of the resource.
Use the defaccess parameter with the chres, editres, or newres command to modify this property.
Defines whether the resource is untrusted or trusted. If the UNTRUST property is set, accessors cannot use the resource. If the UNTRUST property is not set, the other properties listed in the database for the resource are used to determine accessor's access authority. If a trusted resource is changed in any way, CA ControlMinder automatically sets the UNTRUST property.
Use the trust[-] parameter with the chres, editres, or newres command to modify this property.
(Informational) Displays the date and time when the record was last modified.
(Informational) Displays the administrator who performed the update.
Specifies whether Warning mode is enabled. When Warning mode is enabled on a resource, all access requests to the resource are granted, and if an access request violates an access rule, a record is written to the audit log.
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