The SEOS_AUDITDOWN record is submitted to the audit log file when a CA ControlMinder daemon (in UNIX) or service (in Windows) is shut down.

char szUser

The name of the user who brought the daemon or service down.

char servname

The name of the daemon or service that was shut down.

int stage

The stage in the authorization algorithm when the decision was made to grant or deny the request. The LogRoute API includes a listing of the CA ControlMinder stage codes in the header file seauthstages.h.


The SEOS_AUDITUSER record is submitted to the audit log file when a trace record is written for a user whose trace actions are being audited.

char szResClass

The name of the resource class that was accessed.

char szResource

The name of the specific resource object-record-that was accessed.

int code

The trace message code.

int stage

The stage in the authorization algorithm when the decision was made to grant or deny the request. The LogRoute API includes a listing of the CA ControlMinder stage codes in the header file seauthstages.h.

uid_t uid

User's UNIX or Windows user ID.

uid_t euid

User's effective UID.

uid_t ruid

The ID the user used to log in-the real user ID.

char parm_buff

The parameters in the trace message.