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authxapi_IsThereExitFunction Function

Valid on UNIX

The authxapi_IsThereExitFunction function determines whether an exit function has been registered for a specific event.

If the exit function exists, this function returns TRUE (1). If it does not exist, this function returns FALSE (0).

int authxapi_IsThereExitFunction (int event);

Integer code of the event being checked.

Example: Checking If Exit Function Exists.

This example illustrates how you use the authxapi_IsThereExitFunction function to check if there is a pre-login exit function.

    int rc;
    rc = authxapi_IsThereExitFunction(AUTHXAPI_EV_PRELOGIN);
    if (rc)
            printf(“There is a pre‑login exit function\n”);
            printf(“There is no pre‑login exit function.\n”);

More information:

authxapi_RegisterExitFunction Function

authxapi_UnregisterExitFunction Function