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Oracle RAC Configuration for High Availability

If you are using Oracle as the policy and reporting database, you can configure Oracle for high availability using Oracle RAC.Oracle Real Applications Cluster (RAC) is a cluster database based on a shared disc architecture that provides high availability for Oracle databases.

Example: Configuring CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management for High Availability using Oracle RAC

The following example explains how you configure CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management to use Oracle RAC for high availability.

  1. Prepare the Oracle database for Enterprise Management.

    You create a user account on the Oracle RAC server and assign the user privileges to install CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management.

  2. Implement CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management for high availability.

    Install and configure the Primary and Secondary Enterprise Management Servers.

    Note: Specify the logical name of the Oracle RAC in the Host Name and the shared service name in the Service Name field.

  3. Verify that the Oracle RAC host name resolves correctly.

    Map the host IP address to the logical name of the Oracle RAC. For example:  Node1MachineName  Node2MachineName  Node1LogicalMachineName  Node2LogicalMachineName
  4. Modify the Primary and Secondary Enterprise Management Servers settings to use Oracle RAC. Do the following:
    1. Stop the JBoss application server.
    2. Navigate to the following path, where JBoss_HOME indicates the directory where you install JBoss:
  5. Open the following files for editing:
  6. In each file, locate the <connection-url> tag and specify the host names and service name as follows:
    <connection-url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(LOAD_BALANCE=off)(FAILOVER=on)(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(protocol=tcp)(host=Node1LogicalMachineName)(port=1521))(ADDRESS=(protocol=tcp)(host= Node2LogicalMachineName)()(port=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=SharedService)))</connection-url>
  7. In each file, add the following line:
    <check-valid-connection-sql>select 1 from dual</check-valid-connection-sql>
  8. Save and close the files.
  9. Start the JBoss application server.

    You have configured the Primary and Secondary Enterprise Management Servers.