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Configure a Windows 7 Enterprise Endpoint for SAM

Valid on Windows 7 Enterprise

If you want to use SAM on a Windows 7 endpoint, you perform additional configuration steps on the endpoint.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Windows registry.
  2. Navigate to the following registry keys and do steps 3-6 for each key:

    Note: You can use the Find option in the Edit menu to search for these registry keys.

  3. Right-click the key and select Permissions.

    The Permissions dialog appears.

  4. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Security Settings dialog appears.

  5. Click the Owner tab, click Administrators in the Change Owner to: field, click Apply, and click OK.

    The Advanced Security Settings dialog closes.

  6. Select Administrators in the Group or User Names window of the Permissions dialog, and select the Full Control checkbox in the Allow column of the Permissions for Administrators window.
  7. Click OK and close the Windows registry
  8. Open the Windows Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services.

    The Windows Services console opens.

  9. Right-click the Remote Registry service and select Properties.

    The Properties dialog opens.

  10. Change the Startup type to Automatic and select Start.

    The Remote Registry service starts.

  11. Run the DCOMCNFG command from the Run command line window.

    The Components Services window opens.

  12. Select Console Root, Component Services, Computers.
  13. Right-click My Computer and Select Properties.

    The Properties dialog opens.

  14. Click the COM Security tab and under the Access Permissions section, click Edit Default.

    The Default Security dialog opens.

  15. Select Administrators in the Group or User Names window and select the Local Access and Remote Access Allow checkboxes.
  16. Click OK and repeat steps 14 and 15 in the Launch and Activation Permissions section.
  17. Click OK and close the Component Services console.

    You have configured the Windows 7 Enterprise endpoint for SAM. You might also need to configure the firewall