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How a Password Consumer Gets a Password on Demand

A password consumer retrieves a password from SAM when the associated privileged account authenticates to another application. Password consumers that get passwords on demand forward password requests to the SAM Agent, which uses the Message Queue to communicate with CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management.

Software development kit, database, and Windows Run As password consumers get passwords on demand. You use password consumers that get passwords on demand to replace hard-coded passwords in scripts. Whenever an application provides a password for authentication purposes, SAM replaces the hard-coded password with the privileged account password.

Note: You must install CA ControlMinder on the SAM endpoint with the SAM Integration feature enabled to use password consumers that get passwords on demand.

The following process explains how a password consumer gets a privileged account password on demand:

  1. An application uses a hard-coded password to try to connect to a system that requires user authentication.
  2. A password consumer intercepts the connection attempt.

    For example, an OCI password consumer intercepts an attempt to connect to an Oracle database.

  3. The SAM Agent checks the cache. One of the following happens:
  4. CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management receives the message and checks that the password consumer is authorized to obtain the privileged account password.
  5. One of the following happens: