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Report Server is Down or Unreachable


When I try to view a report in CA Business Intelligence or CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management, I receive the following error message:

The Report Server is either down or unreachable.


To troubleshoot this problem, do the following:

  1. Open the JBoss log file. The JBoss log file is located in the following directory, where JBossInstallDir is the directory in which you installed JBoss:


    This file lists the actions that JBoss performs in the JBoss web application server environment.

    Note: JBoss creates to new server.log file each time you start it.

  2. Locate the cause of the error in the log file.
  3. Make a note of the case-sensitive name of the computer that appears in the error.

    You must record the name exactly as it appears in the log file.

  4. Open the hosts file. The hosts file is located in the following directory by default:
  5. On a new line in the file, enter the IP address and the case-sensitive name of the computer, separated by a space.

    You recorded the computer name in Step 3.

  6. Save and close the file.

Example: The Hosts File

The following snippet is an example of the hosts file:       localhost