Each record in the RESOURCE_DESC class defines all of the names that new user‑defined class objects are allowed to access in eTrust SSO. You cannot create a new object in the RESOURCE_DESC class; you can only modify the existing ones.
The following definitions describe the properties contained in this class record. Most properties are modifiable and can be manipulated using selang or the administration interfaces. Non-modifiable properties are marked informational.
Of the 32 optional access rights; all are modifiable. The defaults for the first four rights are:
Defines additional information that you want to include in the record. CA ControlMinder does not use this information for authorization.
Limit: 255 characters.
(Informational) Displays the date and time when the record was created.
Defines the user or group that owns the record.
The name of the object in the RESPONSE_TAB class that contains this object's name.
(Informational) Displays the date and time when the record was last modified.
(Informational) Displays the administrator who performed the update.
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