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find {xuser|xgroup} Command—List Enterprise Users or Groups

Valid in the native Windows environment

The find {xuser|xgroup} command lists the names of enterprise users or groups in the current or trusted domains.

Note: This command is supported only on supported Windows 2000 operating systems with Directory Services.

This command has the following format:

find {xuser|xgroup} mask [domain(domainName)] [next]

Specifies for the command to return enterprise groups.


Specifies for the command to return enterprise users.


Defines the trusted domain to restrict the search to.

If you do not specify this option, the command returns users from the current domain.


Defines a mask for the enterprise users.


Specifies that selang output should continue the listing of enterprise users or groups that was started by a previous find xuser or find xgroup command.

Use this option if there are more than 100 items in the list.

Example: Display Enterprise Users

The following command lists the first 100 enterprise users in the current domain that begin with abc:

find xuser abc*