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ruler Command—Select Properties to Display

Valid in AC and native environments

The ruler command defines the ruler for a class, and so lets you define the set of properties of a class that CA ControlMinder displays.

The ruler command only applies to the hosts of the current session. The properties of each host are displayed in a separate list. If you change hosts, the ruler command does not change the display of properties in the new hosts.

The following users can issue this command:

This command has the following format:

ruler className [props( all| propertyName [,propertyName...])]

The name of the class whose display you want to change.

[props(all | propertyName [,propertyName...])]

Specifies the properties to be displayed.

If you omit the props parameter, CA ControlMinder displays the names of the properties that are in the current ruler.


Specifies that all the properties of the class to be displayed.


Specifies a CA ControlMinder property to be displayed. You can specify up to 40 properties, separated by spaces or commas.


More information:

showres Command—Display Resource Properties

show[x]usr Command—Display User Properties

showfile Command—Display File Properties

show[x]grp Command—Display Group Properties