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Change the +devcalc Password

The +devcalc account executes the policy deviation calculation, which calculates the difference between the expected access rules that will be deployed on an endpoint (as a result of policy deployment) and the actual rules that have been successfully deployed on the same endpoint. CA ControlMinder uses a SPECIALPGM rule to define +devcalc as a system user. +devcalc runs as the NT Authority\System user in Windows.

You may need to regularly change the +devcalc password to comply with your organization's security and password policies.

Before you change the +devcalc password, note the following:

Important! To prevent this user from logging in to the CA ControlMinder database, we recommend that you do not set a password for this user.

To change the +devcalc password, use selang to change the password.

Example: Change the +devcalc Password

This command changes the password for the +devcalc user. The password is "secret", and must be in clear text and enclosed in double quotes:

AC> cu +devcalc password("secret") grace- nonative
Successfully updated USER +devcalc