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Subscriber PMDB Cannot Receive Updates from the Master PMDB


I have a hierarchical PMDB architecture. A subscriber PMDB does not receive updates from the master PMDB. The error log of the master PMDB has the following message:

Cannot receive update from non-parent PMDB


When a subscriber PMDB does not receive updates from the master PMDB, use the following procedure to troubleshoot the problem.

To troubleshoot PMDB update problems

  1. List the subscribers of the master PMDB (master_pmdb_name) and their status:
    sepmd -L master_pmdb_name

    Note: Run this command on the master PMDB computer.

  2. Review the list of subscribers to determine which subscribers are unavailable.
  3. Verify that the value of the parent_pmd configuration setting is correct on each unavailable subscriber.

    The parent_pmd configuration setting is located in:

    Note: The hostname that you specify in the parent_pmd token must match the hostname of the master PMDB exactly. Verifying that hostname resolution is correctly configured may help troubleshoot this issue. If you use a UNIX computer, you can use the sehostinf utility to discover the hostname of the master PMDB. For assistance, contact CA Support at

If the problem still exists, do the following:

  1. Display the master PMDB error log:
    sepmd -e master_pmdb_name 
  2. Review the error log and note what error codes are reported for the unavailable subscribers.
  3. For each unavailable subscriber, use the error code to troubleshoot the problem.

If the problem still exists, do the following:

  1. Remove the problematic subscriber from the list of unavailable subscribers that the master PMDB maintains:
    sepmd -r pmdb_name subscriber_name

    The parent PMDB tries to send updates to the subscriber.

  2. Repeat the previous procedure.
  3. If there are any changes to the list of subscribers or to the parent PMDB error log, use the changes to troubleshoot the problem.

More information:

sepmd Utility
