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Each record in the DICTIONARY class defines a word in a common dictionary stored in the CA ControlMinder database to compare passwords to. When users change their passwords, the passwords are checked against each record in this DICTIONARY class.

In addition to adding records (words) to the DICTIONARY class, you can import dictionary words from external files by running a utility or program.

The following definitions describe the properties contained in this class record. Most properties are modifiable and can be manipulated using selang or the administration interfaces. Non-modifiable properties are marked informational.


Defines additional information that you want to include in the record. CA ControlMinder does not use this information for authorization.

Limit: 255 characters.


(Informational) Displays the date and time when the record was created.


Defines the user or group that owns the record.


Defines the types of access events that CA ControlMinder records in the audit log. RAUDIT derives its name from Resource AUDIT. Valid values are:


All access requests.


Granted access requests.


Denied access requests (default).


No access requests.

CA ControlMinder records events on each attempted access to a resource, and does not record whether the access rules were applied directly to the resource, or were applied to a group or class that had the resource as a member.

Use the audit parameter of the chres and chfile commands to modify the audit mode.


(Informational) Displays the date and time when the record was last modified.


(Informational) Displays the administrator who performed the update.