Valid on UNIX
Login account enabled events describe events where serevu enables a user log in.
Audit records in this event have the following format:
Date Time Status Event UserName Details Reason Terminal Program AuditFlags
Identifies the date the event occurred.
Note: CA ControlMinder Endpoint Management formats the date display according to your computer's settings.
Identifies the time the event occurred.
Format: HH:MM:SS
Note: CA ControlMinder Endpoint Management formats the time display according to your computer's settings.
Indicates serevu enabled user login.
Value: E (Login enabled)
Identifies the type of event this record belongs to.
Note: CA ControlMinder Endpoint Management refers to this field simply as Event.
Identifies the name of the accessor that performed the action that triggered this event.
Indicates at which stage CA ControlMinder decided what action to take for this event.
Note: The audit record you see in a non-detailed seaudit output displays a number in this field. This number is known as the authorization stage code. In a detailed output or in CA ControlMinder Endpoint Management, the audit record displays the message associated with the authorization stage code. For a complete list of stage codes, run seaudit -t.
Indicates the reason that CA ControlMinder wrote an audit record.
Note: This field does not display in a detailed seaudit output or in CA ControlMinder Endpoint Management. The audit record you see in a non-detailed seaudit output displays a number in this field. This number is known as the reason code. For a complete list of reason codes, run seaudit -t.
Identifies the name of the terminal that the accessor used to connect to the host.
Identifies the name of the program that triggered the event.
Indicates whether the accessor is internal (CA ControlMinder database user) or an enterprise user.
Note: If the accessor is an enterprise user, the audit record you see in a non-detailed seaudit output displays the string "(OS user)" in this field. Otherwise, this field remains empty.
Example: Login Account Enabled Event Message
The following audit record was taken from a detailed seaudit output.
13 Jan 2009 17:05:00 E LOGINENABLE test1 0 5 serevu Event type: Login account enabled Status: Login enabled User name: test1 Details: Stage code 0 Terminal: Date: 13 Jan 2009 Time: 17:05 Program: serevu Audit flags: AC database userLogin account disable -
This audit record indicates that on January 13th 2009, the serevu daemon enabled user test1 to log in from the terminal CA ControlMinder logged this event because the serevu daemon requested the audit (reason code 5—CA ControlMinder serevu utility requested auditing).
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